Please note: we have had a small increase in our subscription fees. This is the first increase in a number of years. Please don’t hesitate to call the office should you wish to discuss this.
Please note: we have had a small increase in our subscription fees. This is the first increase in a number of years. Please don’t hesitate to call the office should you wish to discuss this.
About Brisbane Market Produce Surveyors
Brisbane Market Produce Surveyors operates in conjunction with Market Informatoin Services and provides a range of independent inspection and assessment services, primarily with the Brisbane Market. BMPS is also involved in National inspection and monitoring programs in association with produce surveyors based in the other Central Markets and elsewhere. A number of BMPS staff members are registered as Independent Horticultural Assessors under the Horticultural Code of Conduct.
Our services can be accessed by all Industry sectors and total impartiality is assured in all instances. Inspection Reports are the property of the person requesting the service and the information that they contain will not be divulged to any other party unless formally requested by that person.
The most common source of disputes between growers and wholesalers is the price paid for produce, especially where this is below the growers expectations. There can be a number of reasons for lower than expected prices and it is important that growers engage the services of an Independent Produce Surveyor as soon as possible after they are advised of potential quality issues. Early intervention assures the best possible outcome and will give important feed back on the nature and severity of the problem as well as an indication of the likely cause where that can be determined. Documentary evidence of downgrading and disposal is also vital in ensuring the highest possible level of transparency in transactions.
The ideal form of protection for growers is to arrange a routine outturn inspection of their produce at the time of arrival. Alternatively, it is also possible to insist that their wholesaler advises them immediately of any quality issues and also ensure that appropriate documentation is in place if produce is downgraded, sold at a reduced price on quality grounds, or disposed of.
The range of services that are available and sample Reports for some of those options are shown elsewhere on the website.