Please note: we have had a small increase in our subscription fees. This is the first increase in a number of years. Please don’t hesitate to call the office should you wish to discuss this.


Market Information Services

Market Price Reports - as per samples. Cost - refer to Subscribe 

Historic Market Data – as per samples. Cost - P.O.A.  refer to Enquiries

Annual Publication - Prices and Throughput in the Brisbane Market. Cost - P.O.A. refer to Enquiries


Brisbane Market Produce Surveyors

Routine Outturn Reporting. We conduct regular inspections of produce at the time of arrival to ensure that there has been no deterioration or damage during transit and that there are no quality issues that might impact on saleability or potential price. 

Quality Inspections. One-off inspections of produce reported to be displaying quality problems or pack related issues at any time after arrival at the market or DC. 

Export/Import Superintendence. Verification of product quality and condition, packaging, and temperature prior to export or at the time of arrival.  

Waste Certification. It is essential that no part of a consignment be disposed of as being unsound or unsaleable without appropriate documentaion from a qualified independent party to support that outcome. Accountability is a condition of the Industry Code of Conduct. 

Downgrading Certification. Lower prices often occur as the result of lesser than expected quality. Any reduction in price as a result of perceived quality issues should be verified by a qualified independent party.

Pre-consignment Inspections. Produce moves continually between markets and from markets to buyers often involving long distances. By having the product inspected and the condition verified prior to dispatch many potential issues at the time of arrival will be avoided.  

Sampling for Residue Testing. Routine testing for residue levels is an integral part of Industry operations in todays environment. We are able to gather random samples of produce from within the market for testing by appropriate testing agencies.  

Data Logger Recovery. Producers will benefit from including a temperature recorder with each consignment to the market. This will enable them to monitor the core temperature of their product at all stages of the journey as well as arrival at the market. It is more economical for producers to own and re-use the recorders. We are able to recover the recorder after arrival and return it to the owner for downloading.   

Temperature Monitoring. Higher than recommended temperature is one of the prime causes for accelerated deterioration of produce and resultant losses. We can check temperatures, and if necessary monitor them, at and from the time of arrival.  

Registered Horticultural Inspectors under the Horticultural Code of Conduct.